Thursday, September 30, 2010

After 11 Tools: Reflection

1. Some of my favorite tools were the digital storytelling, image generators, and wikis. I think these are all very kid friendly tools that I will use in my classroom. I have already started using a lot of the tools, but I think I am going to have my students make a digital story over the process of making laws. My class is divided into 3 groups (each for a branch of government), so I think I'll have each group use their work stations time to add to the video.

2. I have always been very quick and eager to use technology in my classroom. However, I have learned some new things. I really want to start implementing the use of wikis, Jing, Skype, and Diigo. These were all tools that I was not aware of before starting this, but I think they are so beneficial. I think having spent a little time with each of these tools, I have transformed my thinking a little bit into realizing that technology can be used much more broadly than I had originally thought.

3. Nothing really surprised me about this program. Like I said, I love technology, have always and will always continue to use it, and am constantly looking for new ways to implement it. This is not to say that this wasn't a learning definitely was! I learned a few new things, and for the tools I already knew about, my memory has been refreshed and I am much more eager to include these tools in my classroom!

Tool # 11

One thing I would emphasize to my students about being good digital citizens is that they shouldn't believe everything they read. Students should realize that there are ways to analyze and investigate information found online and should learn how to do so when researching. I think a good way to teach this concept would be to compare and contrast different viewpoints of a certain topic, all of which are displayed on a professional website. Students would then be able to piece together the idea that researching the validity of what they read online is necessary if the internet is used properly as a tool.

A second thing I would emphasize to my students is Digital Etiquette. I think that students tend to think that if something is online it doesn't matter if they uphold the same standards they would as if they were talking to someone in person. However, communication is mostly done in digital formats, and by the time our students are adults, it will probably be used even more. This is why it is so important for students to understand digital etiquette.

Third, I would emphasize Digital Security and Safety. It is great for students to be able to use technology and the internet as a tool for learning. I also think it is great for them to use it as a communication device with people they may not know personally. All of this can really help them learn in a way that teaches them skills they will need in life. However, as much as the benefits are recognized, we should also recognize the potential dangers and teach our children how to be cautious and avoid dangerous situations. In my opinion, it is just as necessary as teaching your children to stay away from strangers, or never open the door for someone you don't know. Since technology is such a vast tool, there are unfortunately dangers that children should be able to recognize. I believe it is part of our job as educators to make sure this is done.

Tool # 10

I have really enjoyed using the Math Facts Lite app in my classroom. Students really enjoy playing the game, and it really increases their math fact practice. I have had plenty of opportunities to play with these devices because I started 11 Tools after school began. Since my classroom already has the technology, it gives me a chance to preview the apps before I put them out for students to use. These are definitely very fun to play with and make learning so much more fun! There are many ways to use the iTouch in class. I use mine for a workstation, both for Language Arts and Math. I am also able to use them as students finish their work early, and I usually allow students that have "earned" it to have 5 minutes on them as we are transitioning into a new subject. Since I can control what is on them, I know that students can only be doing activities that will help them academically, so I feel very comfortable using them in this way.

Tool # 9

I think Jing is another great research tool for students to collaborate in the classroom. This is an easy tool for students to use when researching, and can be used both in and outside of school. It can also be used in the classroom for giving specific directions or even reteaching concepts. Jing could also be used for workstations, or small group work that requires students to use different internet tools.

I have always liked the concept of extending student learning to those outside the classroom. Since it is difficult to get visitors at school, Skype is a great tool to broaden student's horizons and expand their learning by allowing them to communicate with people outside of the classroom. Whether it may be a class pen pal, talking to professionals that specialize in topics we may be studying, or communicating with each other outside of school, Skype is a great way to connect our classrooms with the real world.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tool #8

Discovery Education: Using the Qualities of Good Citizenship to Make a Difference
This video would be useful to use in my classroom because it clearly explains a specific example of how to be a good citizen, and gives students an idea of how they can be involved in their community.

SchoolTube: States of Matter Song
This video would be useful to give students an idea of how to make up a dance to the song that will help them remember the states of matter.

In my experience, videos have been one of the best tools for teaching. They are a great way to keep students engaged in the learning and usually students retain the information they see. Another great thing about videos that I use is rewatching them. It's nice to use them for introducing a topic, and then rewatch the same video at the end of a unit. I like to pause every few seconds so that students can make comments. It's amazing what they are able to recall from the unit to "add" to the video. I use videos all the time, so this particular tool was pretty easy for me!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tool # 7

I really enjoyed the digital storytelling. I decided to create mine over a topic my students are currently learning so that I have just one more resource to use in class. I thought it was very simple, but also required a lot of thinking on my part. In other words, it's the perfect tool for a project! I know sometimes I struggle to f ind new ways for students to use their higher level thinking skills, and this is a great way for them to use them all. 

I think I will use this tool to introduce new concepts, specifically concepts with a lot of new vocabulary. I teach in an ESL classroom, so attaching a picture with a new word is a strategy I use quite often, but this is a much simpler, exciting way to do it. I think I will also use this tool for group projects. My students would really enjoy doing this, even the ones that I struggle with getting motivated. I think the students will be able to use those higher level skills without the frustration with this kind of project.

Tool # 6

I think wikis can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom. The first thing that comes to my mind is group work. Learning is more effective and meaningful if students are able to collaborate and work together. However, there is a frequent problem of the workload not always being divided equally. I think a wiki is a great way to solve that problem because each student can access it and add their own information. It's also a great way tool for integrating different subjects by using the "link" section and creating new pages that connect to the original post.

I can definitely see using a wiki with my team as well. It's much easier and quicker to create and distribute agendas, lists, and reminders for an entire team if it is in one central location. It's also a great tool if two teachers take turns providing materials and supplies for different activities or experiments.Using a wiki is much less confusing than emailing, especially if it is an ongoing document.